Text Analysis: Hows and Whys

comment on another proposal mentions algorithmic text analysis. I would love a session focused on how people are taking advantage of digital tools to deal with particularly textual information and questions of textual (or even literary) analysis. This could include tools like Voyant, approaches like topic modeling (with software like MALLET), or using a language like Python (with a package like NLTK) to manipulate text in other ways. (Indeed, I’d be just as interested to learn about other things that I’ve never heard of!) And, as I hope my title suggests, just as interesting as questions of what software to use, and how to use it, are questions of why folks are doing such analysis. What sorts of questions can we ask?

If there is a critical mass of interest in these sorts of questions, we could have a couple sessions focused on different technologies—one on topic models, one on Python and NLTK (for instance), et cetera.

Categories: Data Mining, Research Methods, Session Proposals, Text Mining, Visualization |

About cforster

Assistant Professor of 20th Century British Literature at Syracuse University.

4 Responses to Text Analysis: Hows and Whys

  1. Michelle Paolillo says:

    Absolutely would be interested in this session. I can bring a variety of materials I use to teach intro workshops on this topic.

  2. Marty Hanson says:

    I would definitely be interested in this session!!!

  3. I’d be interested in this as well.

    I’ve used tools like Voyant, but I’m interested in MALLET and NLTK and would love advice about how to get started with those.

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